40 Years of Progress – It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic

40 Years of Progress – It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic

Rebecca Nessen, Vice-President of Strategic Initiatives and Precshard Williams, Prevention and Sexual Health Programs Coordinator, both from Region 4 and from Metro Inclusive Health Florida, led the Reenergize portion on their approach to tailoring strategies to reach LGBTQ+ youth communities and those living with or at risk of HIV.

Do I Have Anxiety?

Psychiatric Services at Metro Inclusive Health, Treating Common Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression and more.

Are you living with anxiety? You aren’t alone! Nearly 18 million adults are living with anxiety in the United States.

Reasons for anxiety and anxiety disorders can vary, but there are certain symptoms shared across the board.

Why Women’s Health Needs to Be More Inclusive

Why Women’s Health Needs to Be More Inclusive - Including Trans People in Women's Health

Information and research under the category of women’s health is almost entirely centered on the health of cisgender women, and may ignore the needs and experiences of those assigned female at birth (AFAB) who aren’t women. With that in mind, what does inclusive women’s healthcare look like?

HIV and Health Disparities

Health Disparities & HIV. METRO's mobile health units support accessible health care and education in Tampa Bay.

Education, testing and treatment of HIV/AIDS has made leaps and bounds since the beginning of the epidemic. However, despite prevention efforts, some groups are affected by HIV/AIDS more than others. Learn about health disparities when it comes to HIV.

What to Expect: HIV and Pregnancy

Pregnancy and HIV - TOPWA at Metro Inclusive Health - Targeted Outreach for Pregnant Women

One aspect of HIV care that’s not commonly discussed is what HIV looks like when you’re pregnant. So, what happens if you’re expecting a bundle of joy AND you’re living with HIV? Let’s talk about it.

The ABC’s of LGBT

Gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction are a spectrum, and within that spectrum are many different labels people use to describe how they identify. So, whether you’re looking to learn more as an LGBTQ+ ally, or questioning your own sexuality or gender identity, we’re here to break down the basics:

6 Ways to Show Your Organization is LGBTQ+ Friendly

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Providers at Metro Inclusive Health.

Inclusivity, solidarity, and ethics are more important than ever to consumers. As high as 50% of consumers across 14 major markets are belief-driven buyers. Here are 6 ways to show your organization is LGBTQ+ friendly.

Reasons You Need to See a Primary Care Doctor

TeleHealth Appointment during COVID at METRO - Patient visits Doctor for a Health Checkup

Let’s be honest. When was the last time you went to see a primary care doctor for a routine health checkup? Primary care is one of those medical phrases that might seem very vague, and you may not know how often to see your PCP… So let’s break it down.

What is the Difference Between HIV and AIDS?

It’s not uncommon to see the terms HIV and AIDS used interchangeably. This often causes confusion about what each of them are, how they’re different, and the misconceptions surrounding both of them.

Why Choose LGBTQ+ Focused Healthcare?

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Providers at Metro Inclusive Health.

The LGBTQ+ community is made up of a broad variety of identities, experiences, and healthcare needs. These unique needs are best met with a holistic, inclusive and community-based approach.

Suicide Prevention Week raises alarms, LGBTQ youth suffer acutely

There’s a certain guilt or shame that comes when people who are confided in — whether young or old — are unable to help peers contemplating self-harm, said Carolyn Redmond, a licensed clinical social worker and the behavioral health manager at Metro Inclusive Health in St. Petersburg.

SMART Ride 17 to proceed in reimagined format

Organizers noted that they will continue to raise funds for Floridians affected by HIV/AIDS through a combination of virtual and physical challenges. Additionally, anyone can participate this year by committing to log 165 miles, minutes or other measurable metric for the physical activities of their choice.