Although they get interchanged frequently, STIs and STDs are definitely NOT the same things. So how are they different? And why do we use one for the other?
The easiest way to explain the difference between a sexually transmitted infection (STI) versus a sexually transmitted disease (STD), think of infection as the first step towards disease. Having an STI means you may not be experiencing symptoms yet, so using that acronym is accurate for most cases.Â
This is why many medical experts use STI. Using STD can be misleading because the word disease suggests that the person has obvious signs and symptoms. As well, not everyone who gets an infection gets a disease.
To put it simply, because we always have. The push to change the language really didn’t start that long ago. However, language is ever-evolving. We’re continually finding better ways to define different aspects of life, sexual health included.Â
In addition to increased HIV rates, In 2022, the U.S. saw over 2.5 million reported cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, with syphilis cases (including congenital syphilis) significantly increasing, marking the highest number since 1950. Gonorrhea cases slightly decreased, but concerns about antibiotic resistance remain, as approximately half of the infections showed resistance to at least one antibiotic. Significant disparities in STI rates persist, especially among adolescents, young adults, and certain racial and ethnic minority groups, highlighting the need for focused public health efforts and access to sexual health care. What does this mean for you?
If you’re already being proactive about your sexual health, getting testing and staying as safe as you can, then keep doing what you’re doing. You can use condoms, dental dams, nitrile gloves, birth control, and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis, a daily HIV-prevention pill) as various forms of STI prevention. Make sure to learn about proper use, and always consult with your primary care physician if you have questions.
If you aren’t sure of your status, but are sexually active or think you may have been exposed, get tested as soon as possible. At METRO, we offer complete STI panels within 90 minutes at select locations.Â
The most advanced 4th generation HIV testing is always free at every Metro Inclusive Health center, no appointment necessary. Get complete STI testing at all health centers with same-day results available in North St. Pete (Gandy area) and Seminole Heights.  Schedule online or give us a call at 727-321-3854.Â
Sources: | HealthLine
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